Dinghy Winter Series

The Winter Series concluded last Sunday with two races in very shifty winds. A couple of the sailors were caught out by the gusts and shifts and a few went for a swim. Have a look at some of the photos on our MOFSC Dinghy Section Facebook page. Some very close racing was enjoyed by Juniors and Seniors alike and the standard of sailing skills displayed by the Juniors means we have a very interesting Summer season coming up! In the break between now and the start of the new season we have some instructor training for our older juniors and a safety boat course for some of our volunteers. Then before we know it the new season will be with us.

Volunteers who made the Winter Series possible and deserve a mention include; Lisa Abbott, Neil Dixon, Gwyneth Read, Annette Walker, Jacqui Mason, Warren Blay, Cherrie Warren, Basil; Del and Mark Coin, Kim and Ron Wade, Jodie and Graham Doherty, William Weatherstone, Paul Van Duren, Nyoko and Nestor. Last but by no means least grateful thanks to our Sponsor for the Winter Series – The Bendigo Bank and their account manager Jenny Hammington, for providing continuing support to our Club.


Position Skipper/Crew Boat make Boat name
1st Alicia VanDuren Open Skiff Vanishing Point
2nd Elizabeth Wright/Lucy Tomlinson RS Feva Cuz
3rd Finn VanDuren Open Skiff Dome
Position Skipper/Crew Boat make Boat name
1st Mike Gaebler RS Aero Aerogenous
2nd Nat Cull RS Aero Subzaero
3rd Paul Rowley Laser Corriente Loco