The third Wednesday of the month at 1pm
The Dolphin Ladies Circle enjoy a wide range of activities each month and whether it’s informative or active it’s always fun and sociable. Come along and expand your social circle or catch up with friends.
Ladies, We would like to see you at the Dolphin Ladies Circle afternoons. If you are a member of the MOFSC you are welcome to come along . You are also welcome to bring a guest if you like. There is no requirement to “join” the group or to attend regularly. We only ask that you let us know via the office that you will be attending. We would hate to run out of afternoon tea! Members are $10 & guests are $12. Our day is usually held on the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm & we have a guest speaker followed by a casual afternoon tea. Information on each speaker will be in the upcoming Breakwater & listed on our website Events Calendar.