Fishing Competition – July 2021

Fishing Competition – July 2021

Despite the best efforts by COVID- which meant postponing our July competition to the second week in July – then pretty rough weather and seas the next week – several intrepid souls did manage to get some fishing time in last weekend.

Unfortunately there isn’t a great deal to write about on the event. No one was brave enough, or silly enough, to go very far offshore, which of course meant quite limited numbers of fish and species being presented at weigh-in.

Whiting, both Sand and King George, and Herring were the prominent catches, but fish of the day was Gabi Gaal’s impressive Bream which weighed in at 1.005 Kg.  This beat her own previous PB and earned her the new sponsor Oz Fish award.

Angela Booker won the Bryson’s award in a very tight fight for the largest Sand Whiting (0.240 Kg).

Heath Kennington took home A1 Salvage and Hardware’s voucher for a 0.155Kg Herring together with and new sponsor, Mandurah Boat Shop’s first award for a 0.155Kg King George Whiting. Yes, that’s right, his King George was smaller than Angela’s Sand whiting!

Heath completed his outing by winning Champion Fisher of the event, earning him a nice swag of vouchers from Tackle World Mandurah, Manna Marine and Scavenger Supplies.

Chris Tanti had an unusually quiet outing but had some consolation in winning Tackle World Mandurah’s Lucky Angler award.

It was great to see a few new faces and competitors for the event. Welcome to all of you and don’t let the rather poor results deter you. We want to see again you next month!

Also pleasing to have two new sponsors on board. Welcome and thank you very much to Mandurah Boat Shop and OzFish.

Don’t forget next month’s competition, 7 and 8 August, is the last for the year before our Presentation Night on 21 August.  More about that very soon.

…….and prior notice …. Our very popular Father’s Day event for all dads and their kids is on Sunday, 5 September. Again, more details later but keep the date free.

Happy hooking!