Successful Volunteer’s Briefing
On Saturday, the RCS & RCD held a pre-season briefing for the volunteers in the Dolphin View Room. We had a great turnout, with over 15 volunteers attending, including one new member (Charles, who has volunteered to help out in the Race Control Tower on Saturday afternoons). We really appreciate our volunteers and try and look after them as best we can, so its nice they keep coming back! We still really need a few more physically capable people to assist on the support boats (RIBS), so if you can help on any Saturday, please let the office know and they will put you in touch with our Vollie Queen Sheranne Casey!
Helpers required – Dinghy and Keelboat
Wed 26th September 10:00 to help go through the course marks with George Casey. Meet at the Dinghy shed
First Race – Keelboats
The first race of the summer series will be 2 Short Course races, with the first starting at 14:00 on Saturday 6 October.
Our draft schedule of events is available on the Keelboat web page (attached)
Try Sailing Day – 4 November
Please make yourselves available to assist in our first Try Sailing Day for the season, to be held on 4 November (11 Nov if weather is crap). More details to follow, but we need boats on the water to attract public interest and to take new punters for a sail, and just to give the place a general buzz!