Sailing Update 12/09/18

Hi Skippers

Please note that there will be no Sailing Committee meeting this Thursday, owing to the sailing briefing on Saturday 15th at 3pm.

The following is the subject matter for the day. The draft schedule is below.

Safety and Insurance

  • A reminder that all competing boats must be registered with DOT, seaworthy and insured as per club requirements
  • ALL skippers and crew must be financial members of MOFSC or have completed and submitted a Try Sailing form, otherwise that person is not covered by our insurance and is also ineligible to compete
  • All skippers and crew must sign on and off, either at the notice board or on the radio with the Tower.


  • As with last year, the Soling Club Champion will consist of 3 round the cans events and 3 short course events, to be held at the same time as other races – refer to schedule
  • No handicap starts for Solings. During Handicap Events, Solings will all start on the drop of ‘1’.
  • Word is that Graham Flintoff is looking to show the Soling fleet how its done this summer and is looking for crew, so if you know anyone or have had a gutsful of your current skipper, let Graham know!

Course review – Div A and B – Round the Cans

Input from sailors at meetings of the last couple of months can be summed up as

  • Div B keelboats would prefer not to sail the C-B leg, particularly on Course 1. Course 1 has changed for Div B as a result – refer to Sailing Instructions.
  • The time between the fastest and slowest boats is very large and something should be done to reduce the gap such as splitting fleets and/or modified courses – the Race Committee supports this idea but needs more information and resources – something we will work on this summer.
  • Theme Days and more and better prizes (of course!)

Priority Posting of Race Results

  • The Race Team will be posting finishing times on the notice board near the sign-off sheets as soon as they are available. Please be sure to check your recorded time and let the team upstairs know if there might be an error.
  • Times and scores will also be posted on the club website as soon as possible during the week. Note that all results are preliminary until Presentation Night. The Sailing Instructions provide details on why.

Club Opening Day

  • Saturday 27th All members are welcome to elebrate the official opening of the summer season. Keelboats will sail a novelty race – see Notice Board on the day.
  • To be eligible for a prize you must dress your boat up – and yourselves hopefully!

Try Sailing Day

  • Scheduled for Sunday 4th November – please save the date – 11th will be the backup if weather is bad.
  • Yachts are required to assist in ‘luring’ new members to our sport and our club. Cruisers, trailer sailors and a soling or 3 would be great.

2019 Burrows Family Diggers Cup

  • Open to all sailboats.


See you all there

Neil Dixon

