Cruising Section
We were presented with some great cruising and social events ideas at the recent Cruise Section meeting and would like to thank all those who attended. Attached is the 2016/17 event calendar however we as cruising members are not limited to these proposed planed events and encouraged others to sail to less frequent visited destination and tell others who may wish to join in your plan on either the e-mail list or post on our Facebook page. Please find attached the 2016/17 Cruising Calendar. In addition to these dates we will have a number of social events and will send out an e-mail prior to these.
The racing season will kick off on open day in October and we encourage those cruisers to participate in the sail pass and festivities on the day. We also wish to ask those who are interested in competing in the race series, either the Saturday around the buoys or the Ocean races to register their interest. Cruise events should dovetail into the racing program.
The club gains a great deal from the Friday night Money Wheel. With some of the proceeds kindly given to the Cruising Section Christmas party. So if you can give just one night to this fund raising event it would be greatly appreciated.
Cruising News
The 1st long week end in September usually gets us out for our cruise to Becher Pt. However the club has organized a Prince of the Peel event for our smaller boats and we would like to encourage members to sail in company on the Sunday 25th September from the Dawesville cut back to the club.
The club is currently coordinating dates for the sailing courses run by the Discover Sailing Program in Mandurah. These may include, Introduction to sailing, Competent crew and Skippers ocean sailing. A few members have expressed an interest in participating, so please let me know if you or a member of your family would be interested as these programs will be available depending on the number of participants.
We would like to congratulate Rob & Karen on Sensation the recipient of last seasons participation award and would like to remind all members that the Cruising Section as always will monitor members activity’s throughout the season to recognize participant’s involvement for awards and trophy’s, and prizes for consistency, nautical miles and other achievements to be acknowledge at the sailing presentations evening. We also have a Facebook page. MANDURAH COASTAL CRUISING. So Cruise Section members can use this to post photos and communicate between each other ect.
Future events.
September Sat/Sun/Mon 24th to 26th Our start up weekend cruise for the season. Members are encouraged to sail in company from Dawesville cut to the club for the Prince of the Peel event over the Queen’s Birthday Holiday.
October 22nd Open day at the club with a sail past and drinks at the club after.
Charles Tysoe Cruising Captain MOFSC
Facebook mandurah coastal cruising