Cruising Section
APRIL 2016
What an incredible Easter week-end with the weather giving varied conditions which was not suitable for our cruise to Rottnest Island so some of our members decided to sail to a closer destination in Becher Point and Penguin Island. On Monday 6 cruisers sailed up to Becher Point for lunch with the return sail made for very interesting sailing after the fresh sea breeze kicked in. All-in all a very pleasant week end sailings.
Falcon Bay
A few Sundays ago we sailed to this bay and found it to be a delightful destination. The entrance was narrow and on this occasion a swell was breaking on the south entrance reef. After motoring in, we found an area that 3 or 4 boats could anchor in 3/4 meters depth. We did not stay this time as the swell was coming into the bay, but on one of those days with the right conditions it would be a great alternative.
Presentation Dinner
Will be held on Saturday the 14th May at 6pm in the restaurant, The Cruising Section will be represented at this presentations evening and members can purchase tickets $50 p/p and reserve a place at the Cruise Section table via clubs reception. We have a couple of acknowledgements and would greatly appreciate your attendance. If you have any suitable photos of your cruising experience that can be projected during this event please e-mail me at
News on the jetty– A couple of large catamarans are heading to Indonesia soon and a ketch is planning a trip to the Montebello’s islands. Also there is a member on C jetty who would like crew to sail to Tasmania.
FSC has placed on their cruising calendar the following cruisers. Abrolhos Islands 26 May, Dirk Hartog Island October and the Bali Rally 6 May 2017
Club members can subscribe to this newsletter by e-mailing the cruising captain
Members can post comments and photos on our Facebook page. MANDURAH COASTAL CRUISING. While this form of communication is beneficial to the group, any official communications from the Cruise Section Committee will be by e-mail
Future events
April Date to be Advised Ocean rally to Becher Point.
May 14th Presentation dinner
Charles Tysoe
Cruising Captain